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Dick's Sporting Goods offering 20% off to HBSL families 4/4-4/7 at Tinley Park Store

Join The Navitskas family and proudly display you are a HBSL ball player!!

Register for the HBSL Spring season and come claim your yard sign Sunday, Feb. 16th at HFHS Fieldhouse located at 800 Governor's Hwy in Flossmoor.

Uniform samples will also be available for sizing.

Pick up your yard sign at Willow School from 9:00am-noon Saturday, Feb1



Registration is open for our Spring 2025 Season. Opening Day is Saturday, April 26, 2025. 

Click on link below to go to Sports Engine registration site


2025 HBSL fees  - TBall - $235/All other inhouse leagues - $260/Babe Ruth and Seniors $175

Break down of fees is as follows:

TBall registration - $150 (same as last year) /All other Leagues - $175 (same as last year)

Volunteer Deposit - $75 which is refunded to Coaches, Stand Directors and Umpires for those that choose to work (same as last year).  Babe Ruth and Seniors do not have this fee as they are travel leagues.

Izaak Clean up fee - $10 (new this season to cover Sat and Sun am cleanups of the park to clean bathrooms, pick up garbage etc)  Babe Ruth and Seniors do not play at Izaak so do not have clean up fee.

To further explain the $150/$175 reg fee...each player receives a full uniform (pants, socks, personalized jersey and hat) with the fee.  The remainder of the fees go to post season trophies/awards, field maintenance, scoreboard maintenance, sound system maintenance, utilities, insurance, field supplies such as chalk for lines, bases, seed, sod, equipment like mowers and groomers, concession stand equipment and maintenance, player equipment purchase and maintenance, balls, first aid supplies….. Uniforms are personalized with player name and number which is a further expense.  Our fields are not owned or maintained by HF Park District so we incur all field maintenance expenses.

Please contact HBSL President Angie Brandt at with any questions.

Looking forward to a great 2025 season!

HBSL Board of Directors


Welcome home Hawks and Heat Alumni!

Side by side or miles apart the HBSL family will always be connected by heart.


Congrats to Champion 9U Hawks!!

Congrats to Sr Girls SCC All Stars!

Congrats to Jr Girls SCC All Stars!

First Pitch

Instructional Coaching Videos

Baseball, Softball and T-Ball Instructional Videos


Homewood Baseball and Softball is one of the premier youth sports organizations in the Chicago Area.  Established in 1951, our volunteer organization has grown to one of the largest Baseball, Softball, and T-ball organizations in Illinois.  Each year, nearly 1,000 kids from Homewood and beyond learn, play, compete, make friends, and make lifelong memories playing in one of our 10+ divisions of in-house baseball, softball, or t-ball.  

Our ballpark is nestled amongst the cottonwood trees in a forest-like setting inside the beautiful Izaak Walton Preserve.  Featuring three manicured fields, a batting cage and a full service concession stand, our park is the jewel of the Chicago suburbs and a wonderful place to play or watch youth sports.

Our leagues are open to all children, regardless of residency.  We rely on all of our parents and volunteers to run our leagues and maintain our park.  

Additionally we sponsor several travel teams which compete in  leagues and tournaments across the region, and we roster all-star teams each July to compete in tournaments and possibly play towards Babe Ruth or Cal Ripken national tournaments.

Get in touch Homewood Baseball and Softball

HBSL Sponsor Partners